
Wallet Linking and a Redesigned Connect UI


New Connect UI

We've redesigned the Connect UI for a better user profile experience. Each wallet now receives a unique gradient avatar based on the address (unless the wallet has an ENS profile image). We've also updated the modal and wallet switching UX for easier wallet management. No changes are necessary to take advantage of the new UI, just upgrade to v5.48.0 or later.


Wallet Linking

You can now associate any injected wallet with an existing in-app wallet. This works just like our new Unified Identity with the new wallet authentication strategy. The user will be prompted to sign a standard SIWE message that adds the wallet address to the current account's connected profiles list.

import { inAppWallet, createWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
import { mainnet } from "thirdweb/chains";
const rabby = createWallet("io.rabby");
const wallet = inAppWallet();
const account = await wallet.connect({
client: MY_CLIENT,
strategy: "wallet",
wallet: rabby,
chain: mainnet,

This same functionality is available in the prebuilt Connect UI.


Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • The Pay modal will now only appear if the user doesn't have enough funds to complete the transaction.
  • Fixed conditionally rendered hook error when buying funds with fiat